Put the Spring Back in Your Pet's Life (Prep for Spring and Allergies)

Allergies... so frustrating! We in Northern Virginia certainly know how miserable we can get in the spring with Allergies, but what about our pets and how do we know when they are suffering?

Allergies in pets typically show up as scratching, chewing, rubbing, head-shaking or diarrhea. What can we do to help them?

First of all, be sure you can do all you can at home. Use the proper cleaning supplies and products to reduce the dust and other irritants in your home. The right allergy-prevention cleaning regimen can help tremendously, as can implementing some of the same prevention tips that humans use - such as limiting time outdoors on high pollen count days.

Also - work with your pet sitting services provider, if you use one, to implement tips such as doing a quick wipe-down with a damp towel after returning to the house to remove all loose pollen collected from the daily walk.

Over-the-counter preparations and treatments for common dog allergies exist and may be purchased at any pet store, but consult with your vet first for the best course of action. If the allergy is severe enough, over-the-counter treatments may not be sufficient to treat the symptoms and a prescription strength treatment may be required.

Veterinarians can help with or offer new medications. A veterinarian can administer allergens under the pet's skin that can be effective in treating dermatitis and itchy skin.

For all that scratching and itching Atopica is commonly used. There is also the chance that the dog does not have an allergy at all. The last thing you want to do is medicate your pet unnecessarily. So just be sure and get your pet checked out.

A bath for your pet can also be very beneficial and soothing. Wash off all the allergens off their coat and skin. Use an organic shampoo or oatmeal-based shampoo to ease the itching.

If you have a pet sitting service that helps you with your dog walks and pet care, check with them to see if they can reduce your "to do" list by taking your pet to the groomer for that soothing bath.

Many pet sitting services in Northern Virginia offer this kind of care.


Heat Stroke in Dogs


April is National Pet First Aid Awareness Month